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Community V0.0.2

pip install masonite-view-components


A framework to create reusable server rendered view components with low coupling and easy testability.


  1. Python 3.6+
  2. Masonite Framework or Flask


 pip install masonite-view-components

How to Add to your Project (Masonite)

In your app/providers/__init__.py file add the following import

from masonite_view_components.MasoniteViewComponentProvider import MasoniteViewComponentProvider

In your config/providers.py file add the following import and add MasoniteViewComponentProvider to your list of PROVIDERS

from app.providers import MasoniteViewComponentProvider

How to Add to your Project (Flask)

from masonite_view_components import MasoniteViewComponent, render_inline

app = Flask(__name__)
MASONITE_VIEW_COMPONENT_ANNOTATE = True # or False to disable annotation

Making Components

Components read from the following directory of your project.

Components require two files to be created.
1. FooComponent.html eg. NameComponent.html 2. FooComponentComponent.py eg. NameComponent.py


 class NameComponent:      
     def __init__(self, name):      
         self.name= name


<h1>{{ name }}</h1>

Using the Components

masonite_view_componentsComponents can be used in any of the following ways.

Calling the render method from Jinja template. eg.

<x-NameComponent name="Jane Doe"/>

In a controller you can render the masonite_view_componentsComponents by returning the component using the following syntax.

from masonite_view_components import render_inline
return render_inline('<x-NameComponent name="Jane Doe"/> ')


Passing Parameters

Underneath the hood, components are simply python classes with a matching html template. Parameters are passed to the init function of the component class.

For example, lets use our NameComponent which has the "name" instance variable. Here's how we would pass a name to the component.

<x-NameComponent name="Jane Doe"/>


Components pass data to instance variables of the component class.

import random    
class ButtonComponent: 
    def __init__(self, text, variant="danger"): 
        self.text = text 
        self.variant = random.choice(["primary", "success", "danger", "warning", "info", "secondary"])

Nested Components

Component nesting is supported and doesn't require subclassing in the .py file. This can be done entirely in the .html component file.


render() Render a component in a template

<x-ProductComponent name="Gatorade" price=2.25/>

render_inline() Returning the string representation of a component

render_inline('<x-ProductComponent name="Gatorade", price=2.25/>')

render_with_collection() Render a component for each element in a collection

sample collection

fruit = [{"name": "apple", "vendor": "Super Value"}, {"name": "grapes", "vendor": "Buy for Less"}, {"name": "banana", "vendor": "Cost Right"}]

<x-FruitPickerComponent collection="fruit" fruit=fruit/>

This replaces {% for fruit in fruits %}{% endfor %}

render_if() Determine whether the component should render

If the result of the .render_if() method is False then the component will not render.

class ListComponent:       
    with_collection_parameter = "fruit"

    def __init__(self, fruit, fruit_counter=int):        
        self.fruit = fruit      
        self.fruit_counter = ""

        def render_if(self):      
            return self.fruit["name"] == "grapes"

## Roadmap Component Create Commands
Visual Studio Code Language Extension
Component Previewer

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